the indecisive state of indiana

A year ago today…

We were cooped up a little too long, and even the babe started losing it.

Today it was 61, and we played with sidewalk chalk outside.

Indiana quite possibly as indecisive as I am.  I love it.

the sweetest

The sweetest baby.

The sweetest daddy.

It doesn’t get much better than coming home to this on a Friday afternoon.

macho macho man

hungry hungry hippo

Our little one is on the mend thanks to the combination of breathing treatments and steroids.  These steroids, though, have turned our (these days too busy playing trains to want to slow down and eat for more than 2 minutes) little boy into a hungry hungry hippo.  Today alone I think he ate his weight in anything and everything we put in front of him.  About a half hour after cleaning his plate at dinner he ran to the kitchen and cried for “nacks” pointing to the warm banana bread on the counter.  He doesn’t typically have a nighttime snack, but given how hungry he’d been all day, and how that’s a side effect, I certainly wasn’t going to deny the boy.  Plus, I can’t blame him for wanting warm banana bread.  I know I can’t resist it.  He devoured a half piece, and let me know that he was not satisfied, asking for “a bite!” and then saying “please” until I got up from the table to get more.

[vimeo 35605061]

lazy sunday morning

Since the baby has to stay away from sick people and babies until his symptoms are gone, that pretty much rules out the church nursery at least for this week.  Instead, while Daddy was working at church this morning, we built a new cool train track, colored, and went and got some Munchkins from Dunkin Donuts to share.  The donuts may or may not have been my idea, but he didn’t complain.


one tough cookie

No sweeter words have ever been spoken. Hearing “you guys can go home tonight” by the peds unit doctor Thursday night was music to our ears. We’d been sent to the ER the night before, the whole way there wondering if it was really a necessary trip. The following hours were a whirlwind. We soon realized how important the trip was, and were so glad we went.
Holding your child to get an IV, chest X-rays, nose swabs, and breathing treatments were all terrible. Almost as tough was hearing him ask to get down off the bed, crying “I hold you” and “home” in the middle of the night. Because you can’t reason with a nearly 2 year old who had to stay so still and in a hospital bed the entire time, we watched Day of the Diesels at least 5 times. He also got lots of game time on our phones. Thankfully those things kept him still and distracted, until the next nurse came in to poke and prod him some more. Our first nurse learned that he liked stuffed animals. The second quickly learned that she just had to congratulate Oscar for being so big, give him a high five and say “yes!” for him to forgive her.

He sure went through a lot in those 24 hours. If we didn’t already know that we have a tough cookie…

the past 12 hours


…have been awful. Here’s the cliff notes version.

Cold for a couple days. No fever
Thought it was related to 2 yr molars
Suddenly got worse yesterday
Wheezing, low oxygen, shallow breaths
2 breathing treatments
No improvement
Told to go to ER
IV, tears, X-rays, tears, admitted
Not pneumonia, thank God!
Treatments every 2 hours
Little sleep for baby
No sleep for parents

Earlier this week I said teething was the pits. I take that back. This is the pits.

teething is the pits

I think Oscar would agree with us that it seems he’s been working on his 2 year molars for a very long time.  Top 2 through, bottom 2 giving him grief.  He’s worked on teeth in pairs since the beginning, but the bigger ones have all caused ear infections and the all around “crud.”  We both saw this coming… No nap Sunday or Monday, hand as far back in mouth as possible, slept poorly on Sunday night, and an immense amount of drool.

He was happy though, and that stage can last a while, so I didn’t think much of it until out of nowhere last night it became obvious he felt terrible.  Poor thing, I think he’s even wondering where all that snot is coming from.  We went to bed last night praying for sunshine but preparing for rain (little did we know we’d literally get a thunderstorm this morning).  I believe in the whole “feed a cold” thing, and had hoped that a big plate of Greg’s Great Grandma Stevens’ chicken and noodles and lots of extra kisses before bedtime would do the trick.  He did chow down, but I still knew I’d be taking a sick day today.

Teething pain is the worst.  He’s happily playing trains, and even allowing me to wipe his nose every 5 seconds, for now.  He’s a tough cookie, but I can see in his eyes that he’s not feeling well.  I wish I could speed those bottom teeth up, but I can’t so today we’ll just snuggle, wipe noses, and enjoy another day home together in our pjs.

2012: the year of many things

I’ve already decided that 2012 is the year of many things:

1. the year I stop picking my nails… for good

2. the year I crochet socks for the first time

3. the year of the panini in our house

and today I added another:

4. the year I finally start an etsy shop

I had made a hat for a friend a few years ago that someone in Missouri liked, and I was contacted about making one for them.  I always love when someone contacts me about making something for them.  I love hunting for the right yarn and pattern, and giving them something made just for them.  So to make a hat for someone out of state that I didn’t know was exciting to me.  It is the same feeling I get when I get to feed someone, I absolutely love it.  This might explain why I’ve not made something for myself in a couple of years!  I plan on fixing that very soon, though.

This pattern in particular I decided to scale down to toddler size and whipped one up for Oscar yesterday (I needed something to distract me from the pummeling IU was receiving).  I’m quite pleased with how it turned out.  I think Oscar is too, as he insisted on wearing it while we played play-doh, trains, and colored today.

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I will set up an etsy shop this year.  If I blog about it I have to do it, right?  Please hold me accountable, friends.

28 going on 90

You know you’re an old lady deep down when:

1. you really love Antiques Roadshow

2. Antiques Roadshow comes on, you say with disappointment “I’ve seen this one.”

3. your response to a bank’s commercial advertising immediate deposit of a check by taking a picture of it on your phone is “that weirds me out”

4. numbers 1-3 happen within a 10 minute time frame

Next thing you know, I’ll be going to bed at 9. Oh wait…