conversations with oscar: christmas decorating edition


Oscar began asking when we’d decorate for Christmas on our way home from Thanksgiving dinner (because Thanksgiving was “over”).  We came home that day and got their little tree down from the attic.  It was the absolute cutest thing to hear Evelyn say “whoa” and giggle herself to sleep that night.  We got our tree and finished decorating on Friday.


To say that Oscar is a little bit excited would be a colossal understatement.  Enjoy a few tidbits that have come from him lately…


Thanksgiving Day, before bed…

Oscar:  One day closer to Christmas!


After staring at the fire in the fireplace for a few minutes…

Oscar:  Does Santa really come down the chimney?

Maggie:  Yep.

Oscar:  …I don’t want to have any more fires in the fireplace.


Admiring the lights on the house across the pond…

Oscar:  Well, I’m impressed.


As we were decorating…

Oscar:  Mom, Evelyn keeps messing with the activity.

Maggie:  The nativity?

Oscar:  That’s what I said.


Tonight before bed, looking forward to his advent calendar…

Oscar:  Tomorrow we get to start the chocolate calendar!



christmas jammies

Because it is a tradition.

Because it is cute.

Because I can’t resist Santa feet.


All 3 kiddos got new Christmas jambes yesterday.  I am not a crazy Black Friday shopper, but I enjoy getting out some (by myself) in the afternoon to get new Christmas jammies, and cross a few things off the list.

Waiting for Evelyn to sit still…Ignore the peaches on #3’s face, and #1’s milk mustache.  I promise, they have a mother.


IMG_5021And when you try to communicate that you’re “done” and your mother doesn’t listen, just pick your baby brother’s nose.  That’ll end the photo shoot.


Smart girl.



I could just about eat this little butterball up,


even though he often smells like spit up.

beautiful chaos

A friend shared an article recently, written to moms who are where I am right now.  A couple babies, a preschooler, and a whole lot of crazy going on.  I think I read it when I was up with Henry at 4:00 in the morning, and even in my sleepy haze, it got me thinking.

Life is crazy here these days.  Two under 2, an adventerous 4 year old, lots of toys and crumbs everywhere, and just about everything is sticky.  First thing in the morning, Oscar asks if we are going anywhere that day.  If the answer is no, it takes him about 1 second to convince me to declare it a pj day.  Many of my shirts are stretched out from being tugged on until I pick the tugger up.  Our house is insanely loud with all the laughing and crying (both real and fake) going on.


Chaos describes what it feels like some most days.

But it is also so beautiful.

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The biggies and I created a little reminder today to give thanks.  With Thanksgiving approaching, we’ve been talking lots about what we are thankful for.  Of course I’m thankful for healthy babies, and an incredible husband… but this year I am even thankful for chaos, because they won’t always need me like they do right now.  I won’t always get hundreds of (sometimes snotty) kisses a day, get to answer a million questions for inquiring minds, or stub my toe on a toy every 3 steps.


These days are equally amazing and hard, but beautiful chaos is where we are.  Its crazy, but I love it.  I’ve maybe lost some of my marbles along the way, but I don’t want to just hurry through to the next phase. 

first snow

We got our first bit of snow yesterday.  Since we were all at church most of the day, we didn’t get to be out in it as it fell, but were all very excited to see it last night.  Evelyn’s excitement was super precious.  After this video she slipped twice in a row, but then clapped, stood up and yelled “snow” which of course just sounded like a happy “no!”

At a chilly 22 degrees, I only took the biggies out to play in it for a few minutes this afternoon, since it is predicted to get even colder tomorrow.

Bundled and ready to go!

In our short time outside, Oscar:

  • ran around like a puppy playing in their first snow
  • asked why there were still leaves on the willow tree, when it was going to snow more, and when we can go sledding on a big hill, about 10 times each
  • yelled “Merry Christmas everyone” a few dozen times while throwing snow in the air

Evelyn spent her time outside:

  • fascinated with the ice stuck to her mitt
  • happily making footprints (once she figured out how to walk in her snowsuit and boots)

IMG_4998IMG_4989 IMG_5000We spent about 10 minutes bundling up, and 10 minutes outside before this guy woke up, and we filed back inside.  IMG_5006IMG_5009


While bundling up babies is not my favorite thing to do, if it is going to snow I want it to SNOW.  So I say bring it on, until February, that is.


happy friday

It is Friday, which makes us happy,






conversations with evelyn

I never knew a human so small could have so much personality.

She’s awesome.



Maggie:  Where are you going?

Evelyn:  No.


To each person, car, house we passed on a recent walk around the block…

Evelyn:  Hi, guy!


At each dirty diaper…

Maggie:  Ev, are you stinky?

Evelyn:  Ew-ee papa!


And now, a few of my favorite Evelyn-isms…

coffee = coo

water = why

Oscar = gah-key

Henry = en-ry, re-re, or baby

thank you = key-cue

apple = babble

pacifier = pass

shoes = suuuuuue


Stay tuned, for animal sounds with Evelyn, in the near future.


happy birthday, gg

We are so thankful that my grandma moved closer a couple years ago, and that she comes over every Wednesday morning.   She reads books to the kids, watches all their new tricks, and plays games for as long as they want to.  Sometimes, she even helps me tackle laundry mountain while we sip coffee and talk about recipes and the weather.  It is pretty easy to see why Wednesday mornings are our favorite.  IMG_3506 IMG_4835

It makes sense that we love Wednesdays so much, since some of my favorite memories include weekends with Papaw and Grandma.


This year, her birthday fell on a Wednesday so Oscar wanted to “make” her a party.  We got up early to bake brownies and make cards.  Both kids anxiously waited at the door long before her 9:30 arrival time.  (Evelyn might’ve even been crying for her GG)

After some playing, and the delicious vegetable soup she brought for lunch, we sang “happy birthday”, ate brownies, and gave her our cards.  It was a great day celebrating a great lady.

It is hard to say who enjoys these times the most, but I think I do.

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So today during nap time, I wear my papaw’s sweater, enjoy some tea, and thank God for incredible grandparents for myself and my children.




little mama

Evelyn is at the age where she copies everything she sees and hears.  I know Oscar went through this stage too, but we didn’t have a newborn in the house then, so I’m amazed to see her nurturing side come out so early.  We’ve called her Little Mama from the beginning, but it appears she’s taking that name pretty seriously.

Need some super adorable examples?

  • puts her toys in the baby swing, Bumbo, etc.
  • baby talks to Henry
  • puts stuffed animals and a diaper on the changing table daily
  • feeds and burps baby Elmo multiple times a day
  • climbs the changing table to talk to Henry at each diaper change
  • puts stuffed animals in her crib, then says “shhh” and walks out of the room
  • kisses baby brother approximately 926 times a day, give or take

IMG_4929IMG_4928She even tries to take care of Oscar.  Today she brought him his cup while he played computer, then told him thank you.  She also randomly will bring him one of his toys from their room.  It appears we have quite the thoughtful nurturer on our hands, which makes us pretty happy.


conversations with oscar


Counting our cards after playing Memory…

Maggie:  Remember, win or lose, what’s important is…

Oscar:  That you have the most cards!


Talking about the upcoming holidays…

Oscar:  Christmas is Thanksgiving!


Anytime he recalls something from the past…

Oscar:  When I was a little kid…


Toward the end of a 7:00 movie date with his mother…

Oscar:  (scooting over toward my seat)  I’m being tired.


When I was so cold and quickly grabbed  a pair of hospital socks from the drawer…

Oscar:  I like your fancy hospital socks!


Commenting on his dad’s maroon jeans…

Oscar:  Dad, boys don’t wear purple jeans.

Greg:  Sure they can.

Oscar:  I think those are Mommy’s.


Talking about Christmas…

Maggie:  What are you going to ask Santa for this year?

Oscar:  A skateboard and a bow and arrow.

Maggie:  What about something a little less dangerous?

Oscar:  No, thanks.


After I took his picture on our chilly bike ride the other night…

Oscar:  Now take a video…