2 months


Hard to believe this handsome boy is 2 months today!

Some days it seems like he just got here yesterday.

Some days it seems he has been here all along.
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happy baby

When you get this much lovin’ …


How can you not be a happy baby?



conversations with oscar

After a conversation about why he can’t do “screen things” all day…

Oscar:  You don’t want me to watch too much Batman or play some video games because there’s too much “violins” in them, right?

Maggie:  Yes, they are violent.

Oscar:  That’s what I said.


While making my grocery list…

Oscar:  Mom, put Legos on your grocery list.

Maggie:  No way.

Oscar:  (shrugs shoulders and runs off)


When I caught the little iPad thief in our closet…

Oscar: I defeated you.


Hearing Henry start to squeak and wake on the monitor…

Oscar:  Uh-oh.  We’ve got a squeaker.


Here are a few of him playing his new favorite game, that he calls “The Game.”


the diving gene

By the end of last summer, Oscar was going off the diving board like a pro.

He started this summer unsure of it again, but I’m happy to report that he’s no longer afraid. Sunday (after gaining some confidence by realizing he can touch in the shallow end, and warming up by jumping in from the side) he decided he was ready to give it a try again.  And again.  And again.  Seriously, he was nonstop for over an hour.
These are some serious tricks that all have names…
1. Run and Jump

2. Pencil

3. Ninja

4. Superman (my favorite)

We had to all but drag him from the pool Sunday evening, and he’s talked about the diving board since.  I think it is safe to say he’s inherited the diving gene from Pops, who impressed Oscar with his swan dives and back flips Sunday afternoon.

friday fair fun

Enough alliteration, but we did really have fun at the fair on Friday. The weather was perfect for heading to the county fair and celebrating Greg getting home after being gone all week.
Oscar enjoyed seeing the animals, but loved his first funnel cake and lemon shake up, also his first time riding rides.

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Evelyn also loved a few bites of funnel cake, seeing the animals, and people watching.  IMG_3156Not pictured:  Henry enjoying a good nap at the fair.


their “things”

Oscar’s things these days are playing Batman guys (which we played outside the last two mornings for a long time since it has been nice and cool),


and Legos. Put them together and he’s even happier. I rewarded him with this set for being the man of the house, and such a big helper this week. I figured I’d have to do a lot of it since he’s not at the recommended age for the kit, but he really did most of it himself. He worked hard for about an hour and a half while the babies slept, and all I did was point to what step he was on and occasionally help him troubleshoot. I was so proud, he was proud, and I don’t know who enjoyed it more!

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Evelyn’s things are being outside,

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(which is nice because it wears this Energizer Bunny out for the occasional surprise nap)


and sneakily shredding toilet paper. Note the arm out of the shirt. This “refashion” typically happens when she’s tired, so she can suck on her wrist. Usually this only happens when she doesn’t have a pacifier, but I think she was feeling extra tired and thought she needed both her wrist and pacifier.


Henry’s things include being on his tummy, and sleeping,


until your sister barges in and screams “baaaaaabyyyyyy”  cranked up to 11. IMG_3111

normal vs not normal

It is normal for Evelyn to steal a pacifier from Henry and sit in his seat, usually with an upside down book.

It is normal (the last few days) for Henry to have his wide awake and rougher time of the day just as it is time to get the others in bed. Oscar earned a nice late bedtime tonight because of it, and wasn’t complaining.

It is not normal, as you can tell from his face, to hold a snake.



Oscar:  Look, Mom!  Evelyn’s hair…it has two strings!  It is so cute.

A little uneven and messy, as it was a bit like wrestling a greased pig because she kept turning to see what I was doing, but they’re there!

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She decided to celebrate her new ‘do with a fish-face for some extra cuteness.



like a moth to a flame


little fish

I can’t get enough of this guy, who can’t get enough of the pool.
