7 months (and then some)

While I’m nearly 2 weeks late on posting these pictures, she is still 7 months old, so I think we’re good.  



ImageLikes:  any and all fruits and vegetables that she has tried, laying on her back and arching herself up into a baby backbend, scooting backwards on her head in the mentioned backbend, clapping, giving kisses, watching her brother, and laughing at anything and everything he does.  

Dislikes: when she drops something, too much time between bites, and socks



one of the boys

Oscar has always looked up to bigger kids.  He has no fear, and will jump right in and try to hang with them, which terrifies his mother sometimes.

He was happy to see some of the cousins at Mamaw and Papaw’s house when he woke up from his nap there yesterday.  Even though we don’t get down there as often as we’d like, every time we’re there, the kiddos are always so so good to Oscar.  They hug, carry, squeeze, tickle, and play rough with him the whole time we’re there, and he eats it up!  The big boys spent most of the time outside playing basketball and football, and it was killing Oscar that I told him he couldn’t go at first, because of his lovely wheezing and raspy cough.  I eventually took him out to join and he loved every minute of it.  He enjoyed playing guns, getting in the middle of their football game with Greg (toy gun in tow), and being silly with Jake.


IMG_9700 IMG_9707IMG_9715 IMG_9739 IMG_9773All boy.  All the time.

conversations with oscar

“Chill out.”
Don’t worry…this warranted a conversation complete with mama’s “I’m serious” face.

When he saw his cousin tonight: “Hey. It’s me, Oscar.”

Playing light sabers: Mom, you be a villain and I’ll be a good guy.

After seeing a combine in a field of corn: “They’re getting that corn for GG!”
My grandma recently gave us many containers of corn to freeze.

Maggie: What do you want to do tomorrow?
Oscar: Wake up.
Maggie: Anything else?
Oscar: Just play, play, play.

In the car: “Mom, Evelyn took her sock off! Mom, Evelyn took her OTHER sock off! Mom, Evelyn is chewing on her socks!” Maybe he’ll join me in my quest of creating baby proof socks.

Maggie: Come give me a kiss.
Oscar: Never. insert ornery smile

Oscar: I need a sword, like Batman.
Maggie: I don’t think Batman carries a sword.
Oscar: Mom! Batman has everything he needs.

While eating some grapes that had a picture of Goofy on the package:
Oscar: Mom, after we eat Goofy grapes we have to be goofy.
Maggie: I think we do that without Goofy grapes.
Oscar: Yeah.

In one of the many moments lately that we were dressed as superheroes:
Oscar: Hey Batman?
Maggie: What Spidey?
Oscar: I wuv you.


a whole new world

I’m behind on posts (coming soon: 7 month post, post on Oscar rough housing Evelyn and her eating it up, and lots more). Tonight, though, enjoy a picture of Evelyn sitting in the cart, loving her new perspective while grocery shopping after church.

The little diva loved the view as she kicked her legs and bounced through the store (Then again it could also be because she had all of my attention as big brother rode home from church with Daddy).


It nearly took 7 months, but before church today I finally got a picture with both kids looking at the camera (and double points for no pajamas).

ImageHopefully I can get a second one before another 7 months pass.  I don’t know, they’re both awfully wiggly.

Right after I said “OK”, Oscar ditched his sister and grabbed the iPad (surprise, surprise).


IMG_9683Atleast I got one picture of them together.

laying low

If I know anything about this house, it is that it is filled with people who love being home.  We get out lots but if you ask Oscar what he wants to do today, chances are he’ll respond, “Stay home!”  Another thing I know is that we love our pjs here.  If we’re in for the day, chances are we’re rocking them (some cooler than others.  See:  Greg’s Zubaz)  Being in pjs and staying home just may be the love languages of at least the 3 bigger humans here.  Time will tell with Evelyn.

ImageIf you’re wondering, no, there isn’t a carbon monoxide leak in the house.


ImageImageWe picked up a 50 cent game at our neighbor friends’ garage sale Saturday.  Oscar is loving this treasure, and it has received many hours of play already.


ImageThis weekend, Evelyn discovered her love for banana in the mesh feeder.  It only took about a half hour to un-stickify her. Please also note the one picture in this post of someone in this house wearing real clothes.  

ImageI promise, we do get out some.  I promise, we do wear real clothes.  But we sure do love our jammies, and playing at home.

working on his fitness

Every time I put my hair in “pony hairs” Oscar asks if I’m going for a run with Sarah.  Walking out the door he tells me to be careful.  When I get back from a run he asks me if I had a good run, and if I’m sweaty before giving me a hug or kiss.  

The other day, Greg was home with him, and he walked into the other room to make lunch or something.  A few minutes later he could hear Oscar panting and peaked around the corner to see this.


He told his daddy that he was “oscar-cising wike Mommy” and was very proud that he’d found my headband.  This kid is too much.  

However, maybe I should try his exercise methods sometime.  Definitely looks more fun.