happy halloween

Happy Halloween from these characters!


fall break

We’ve had a full and fun fall so far.

With 2 awesome weeks off for fall break, we spent a lot of time visiting parks in our area.

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Oscar mastered riding his bike without training wheels.

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We visited the zoo twice.

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We also spent as much time outside as we could, in the beautiful weather we’ve been spoiled with lately.

IMG_2789 IMG_2395 IMG_2483It was also great that these two got some time together.  With Oscar in kindergarten now, he misses “GG Wednesdays.”  They were both excited to have time together two weeks in a row.  They really are best buddies!


3 little pumpkins

This afternoon, we loaded up our 3 little pumpkins for the pumpkin patch.

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Hay ride, pumpkin patch, straw maze, corn maze, straw pile climbing… fall is the best.  (Also, thank the good Lord for allergy medicine!)

slow mornings

Monday- I work a half day at church.

Tuesday- We go to Bible study.

Wednesday- My grandma comes over to play for half the day.

Thursday- Nothing.

I love everything we do the first part of the week, but by Thursday I just want to let these babies stay in pajamas a little longer and play all day.  They don’t argue this agenda.

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