1 month

Where has the last month gone, little man?


You look as surprised as I am that it has been a month already.  


I’ve heard somewhere before that with little ones the nights are long, but the years are short.  I’m finding that to be very true, and very sad.  We are enjoying these crazy days with three littles, and each phase, as they are all going way too fast.  

vitamin d

We’ve been inside lots lately due to this cutie and the nap tag he and his sister play on the regular.


Today was just what the doctor ordered.  Image


Even though Mr. Henry didn’t allow this mama to get much pool time today, it was enough to snuggle the little guy in the shade nearby, watching the other two littles play with Greg.

That little dose of vitamin D will make staying in lots this week easier.  Also making being cooped up easier, this sweet little thumb sucker…


the routine

There isn’t much of a routine these days, but there are certain things you can count on each day…

You can count on lots of yawns.  Still pretty tired here, but making up for the fatigue with lots of snuggles.

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If you come by our house in the middle of the day, chances are we are all in our pjs.  First thing in the morning, Oscar will ask if we are going anywhere that day.  When I give my usual answer of  “no way” he requests to stay in his pjs.  Sometimes I make him put on actual clothes, but many days I don’t unless we actually make it outside to play.  There is also lots of Lego-ing going on these days, which is one of my favorites too.

ImageEvelyn wakes up and the amber teething necklace immediately goes on.  Not exactly sure what to believe, but I’m happy to have my happy girl back, so she keeps wearing it.


Henry receives approximately 592 kisses a day, mostly from his big brother.

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“It’s ok, Baby Henry.  I’m right here.”

Evelyn can typically be found by following the trail of random things she gets out and drops in the living room.


Even the smallest amount of tummy time results in this…

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Oscar and I had a good gig of some special time together before Henry was born, while Evelyn napped…but given that those two are really good at the crazy game we like to call “nap tag”, those moments are hard to come by during the day sometimes.  Because of that, we sneak out for dates whenever we can.

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Each day is a little easier than the one before.  We have even made it outside some during the day, even when I’m home alone and Henry is awake, which does us all good (and I consider a major victory). Evelyn often brings me her shoes and signs and says “please”, so after having to turn her down for a spell, I’m thrilled to be able to ignore some of the things that need done and just enjoy being outside with them.

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Now I’m off to catch a few winks before we do it all again tomorrow!




I’m such a sucker for sleeping babe pictures.  
ImageThat’s all.  


conversations with oscar

Marveling at how cute his new baby brother is…

Oscar:  My baby brother is adorabus.

Maggie:  What does that mean?

Oscar:  It means you love everybody.


Eating a cookie Auntie made…

Oscar: Maybe we can make cookies with memmies (M&Ms) in them someday.

Maggie:  Sure.

Oscar:  You have to take oil, sugar, eggs, and milk and mix it up.

Maggie:  Yeah…

Oscar:  And pour in some juice and memmies.  Then you put them in the oven and they grow up.


Looking forward to The Lego Movie being on DVD, he asks everyday…

Oscar:  What day is it?

Maggie:  Monday.

Oscar:  The Lego Movie will be everywhere tomorrow.  I’m so “sided”!



Oscar:  Mom, I love the way you are.


As I changed Henry…

Oscar:  When Henry was in your tummy, he didn’t have a diaper on.  He was aaaaaaall naked.  He was probably so frustrated.


At the end of a full day of swimming at Nana and Pops’...

Oscar:  When your fingers look like raisins, it means you’re done.


dad’s day


Thanks for being so much fun.


Thanks for loving, and taking such good care of us.



We hit the Dad Jackpot, and are so lucky that you’re ours.


Oscar, Evelyn, and Henry

Happy Father’s Day!

outwit, outplay, outlast

This might be the slogan for Survivor, but it has also been ours at times the last two weeks.  Plenty of sweet, easy going moments, but also our fair share of pure craziness.  We’re doing our best to take it one day at a time, and ignore little messes that seem to be taking over, and enjoy this time.

Bringing a new baby home is never a seamless transition.  We are still in the “anything goes” phase of adjusting, especially when Greg is gone.  Need some examples of my awesome parenting this week, as I was flying solo?

Quiet is good, but too quiet for too long from this one usually spells M-E-S-S.  When I found her, I decided to let her shred away, and put my feet up for a few.

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I might’ve convinced someone it would be fun to play in the bathroom while I showered since little ones were sleeping on both sides of the house.  He thought that was so silly, and a good idea.  Phew!


Prior to Henry’s arrival, the thought of transitioning to 3 kids didn’t overwhelmed me too much.  I told myself I’d just do my best and not be too hard on myself if they watch a little extra tv, or whatever.  That was all fine and good, until Evelyn let us know she was working on two molars at the same time.  This of course began right as Greg was heading back to work.  Throw that into the mix, and that becomes quite tricky for Mama.  Thank God for good friends, and my mom and grandma for looking out for us.  I’m also thankful for the pep talk Greg gave me, as he could see I was on my way to crazy town the other day.  Back on track and not feeling overwhelmed, but that is possibly partly due to a little purchase we made for Evelyn.

Evelyn hadn’t been herself for a few days, but we knew she was teething.  Thursday things were amped to inconsolable status all day, with two giant bumps on her gums.  As in HUGE.  Because we felt so bad for her, and nothing we did eased her pain, we decided to give amber teething necklaces a try.  I was such a skeptic.  She has had it in since Thursday, with the exception of sleeps…and call it malarky, a coincidence, or a cure, but we are happy to have our happy girl back.  Since these two teeth aren’t through, and she’s got many teeth to go, this baby may stay on a while.


Last night, with her obviously feeling better, and us all needing out of the house, we biked/walked to the school playground by our house.  Oscar and Greg climbed everything, talking and laughing the whole time,

IMG_2802 IMG_2823 IMG_2807 IMG_2829 IMG_2841 IMG_2844Evelyn (and world’s tiniest ponytail) giggled and tried her hardest to keep up,

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and Henry did what he does best, squeaked and snoozed.

IMG_2830It was so nice to go play as a family, and feel a step closer to normal.  I just have to keep reminding myself…baby steps.



2 weeks

A friend got this cute “Pint Size” onesie for Oscar.  It was so cute on him…


that we couldn’t wait to get it on Henry.



We were thrilled that Henry chose to celebrate his 2 weeks by sleeping a straight 6 hours on Thursday night.  I negotiated for a repeat for last night, but no dice.  Oh well.

Now, if you’ll excuse him, it is exhausting being this “adorabus”, as Oscar says.


1 week in

We’ve officially been a family of 5 for one week now.  We are all a little sleepy, but absolutely smitten with Mr. Henry.  Can you blame us?


Just for fun, here are the biggies at the same age.


There’s no denying these three cherubs are related.

In the last week, Evelyn has gone from eye gouging (thankfully) to greeting him every 10 seconds with “Ooh, hi baby” and a kiss on the head.  It is super cute.  She’ll even say it when she hears him waking on the monitor.  Oscar, well…he wants to hold the babe morning, noon, and night.  He’s also asking a lot about when he was a baby, and enjoyed looking back at those pictures and videos.  It is neat to see the difference between what he understands this time around versus just last year with Evelyn.

ImageImageThe cutest was the other night.  Evelyn was in bed, and he heard us talking about when we thought Henry would need to eat next.  He asked if he could feed Henry, and was thrilled when I told him we could make that happen.  He’s such a proud big brother, which of course makes us very happy.


So, while I love being pregnant, and having this view…


 I am beyond thankful for this one!


the word is in, he’s perfect


According to the doctor during his checkup today, he’s perfect.  We already knew that though.

Is there a way to bottle this up?
ImageImageImageImageI’m working on a way to do so.  Surely there’s a market out there for bottled baby squeaks, lamb cries, with a dash of new baby scent.