3 months

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The following can be seen multiple times a day.  As soon as I get her down, she climbs back up, so today I just took her picture and she got down on her own.  Go figure.



smothered brother

Like clockwork…

Henry is just enjoying some quiet time on the play mat,

IMG_3633 IMG_3626until the biggies sense he’s down on their level,

IMG_3605and give him 48 kisses each over the course of 3 minutes, before running off.

Henry is left with this expression and clearly wondering “What just happened?” every single time.



He’s a trooper.



conversations with oscar

Oscar:  I want to mail a picture to my friend, Jake, who goes to Mamaw’s house.

Maggie:  Ok, but Jake is your cousin.

Oscar:  That’s what I said.


When I brought the babies in to visit him in the hospital…

Oscar:  Hey Greg, Maggie is here!


After getting his IV out…

Oscar:  Oh no!  I have a hole in my arm!


Trying to get out of eating all of his fruit…

Oscar:  I just think I probably don’t like raspberries.  They have hair.  That’s weird.  It’s ok if I just eat tomorrow.


When I proposed a field trip to break up a long day…

Maggie:  Want to take Dad a coffee?

Oscar:  Yeah!  I love Greg!


Several times a day…

Oscar:  Is that so incredible?




there’s more than corn in indiana

There may be more than corn in Indiana, but Evelyn doesn’t seem to care about anything else after her first taste off the cob.



Oscar with pneumonia (2 times) circa 2012:

photo 1 photo 2

And in 2014:

photo 1-1 photo 3 photo 2-1

Poor Oscar has been quite the trooper over the last 24 hours.  What was just a stuffy nose for a few days very quickly (and scarily) turned into pneumonia.  He maybe coughed a couple times Saturday evening but nothing bad, and then he woke at 5:30 Sunday on fire, with a barking cough, and very shallow breathing.  Greg and I both immediately had a flashback to 2012, and knew we were going in for round 3 of pneumonia with Oscar.

I am so thankful we got him to the ER quickly and got the treatments started right away.  Oscar really cooperated with being poked on, all the treatments, and our tough guy didn’t even cry when he got his IV in.  He even wanted to watch it, despite our trying to distract him.

As quickly as this all came on, and as awful as he felt just over 24 hours ago, we are thrilled he has improved as much as he has so far.  He had improved a decent amount from arriving at the ER around 6:30 a.m. to noon, when I wanted to send his picture to Greg, who was at church for a big baptism weekend. This is what I got.

photo 4

And this morning he even had the energy to bicker with his sister some in the short 30 minutes we were there.

photo 5Thinking this is potentially allergy/asthma related, we are hopeful that he’ll be on some preventative inhalers and medicine to keep this from happening again.  Our peds unit punch card is full, and as nice and wonderful as they have been to us (and as much as he has maybe enjoyed movie after movie, and the doting and couple new toys from the peds nurses), we don’t want to go back.

We are hopeful that he’ll get to come home today, and so thankful for all the prayers for our little guy from friends and family.


soccer week 3

It was a hot and sweaty morning at the soccer fields.   Oscar moved slower than last week because he was “too sweaty”…

with the exception of this moment.  “Mom, I was just trying to win.”  After a sideline chat with his dad, I’m sure he won’t be pulling that again.

It is always fun to watch, but when they called time today, I think we were all soaked, tired, and a little happy.

photo 2 photo 1

stripes, sleep, and smiles


Yipes, stripes!

Guess what 12 week old has had a solid week of sleeping through the night…

photothis happy guy!
His parents are pretty pleased, too.


climb, slide, repeat

In the last week, we’ve been twice with friends to an inside park at a nearby church.  With school back in session here, we’ve nearly had the place to ourselves both times.


First thing we get there, Oscar takes off, and I hardly see him the rest of the time except when he yells down to me, or the random time our paths cross (for one rough and tumble moment).

photo 2


There’s a little area just Evelyn’s size, which is nice, when I can get her to stay over there.

photo 1

Don’t worry, the diaper is good padding.  Plus she quickly stood up and cheered for herself.

Eventually she insists on trying to keep up with Oscar, which is cute but also exhausting because she’s a little small for the big kid part, especially when the place is packed.  Inevitably, she ends up over there and I end up following her through while wearing Henry, which is a little crazy, but I love seeing her adventurous spirit.  (but climbing and going down a slide with her, while wearing Henry is a little exhausting).

Last night we were able to keep the littlest ones in one section of the big part for a while (Thank you Sarah for playing goalie and helping corral her).  To say that Evelyn loved the bit of independence of going down the slide alone would be an understatement.

Henry snoozes away, the rest of us get some good exercise, and everyone sleeps well after.  I call that a win.  And we’ll be ready if there is ever American Ninja Warrior for tots.


soccer week 2

It must all be coming back to Mr. Oscar, in the soccer department.

Our big guy had no problem getting in there today.

IMG_3587He had a few fast breaks.


He even scored two goals!  (This one was a joint effort, while holding onto his teammate’s arm.  Everyone is still working on the whole “same team” thing in U6 soccer)


After two weeks of soccer without Greg, we’ll all be happy that an earlier time allows him to come help with babies on the sidelines cheer Oscar on next week.