happy birthday, henry!

It is hard to believe it has already been a year, yet it seems like he’s also been here with us all along.  Happy first birthday, little one!


IMG_8055IMG_8066IMG_8071IMG_8090IMG_8092 IMG_8093Thank you to our wonderful families, for making it such a special day, celebrating such a special boy!


crib jailbreaker

This just in: Evelyn can now escape her crib.  Oscar never climbed out, so we’re in uncharted waters in our house.  The main concern is that she climbs out of her crib and wants to get on the top bunk with her brother (which has me a nervous wreck).  She gets up there during the day, but I do not want her up there at night anytime soon. We plan to rebuild their bed, taking the crib out from the bottom bunk, and get her a twin mattress, at the end of this week.  The current solution is that both bigs are “camping” on the floor of their room.  Thankfully they both really like sleeping together, and this just means we have to take her back a few times (or just lay with her for a bit) instead of hoping she doesn’t climb up to sleep with Oscar.  Also thankful he’s such a good big brother to tolerate the current sleeping arrangement, though I think he likes it. Before this started, Oscar even snuck down a few nights, to sleep with his sister and a million stuffed animals.  IMG_0025 I recall this transition with Oscar.  It wasn’t exactly fun taking him back to bed a hundred times a night, but if we need to do it now so she isn’t climbing all over the place, then so be it.  I just hope some fun sheets and a big girl bed are enough to keep her on the bottom bunk so they aren’t “camping” forever. IMG_0284IMG_0285

last day of pre-k

I know every parent feels this way at some point, but I just can’t believe this fella is headed to kindergarten!

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We loved going to the end of the year celebration at the park (except that it was about 40 degrees for their ice cream party).  The kiddos all still enjoyed playing though.

IMG_7996 IMG_7998Oscar earned the Mr. Caring award for his class.  He is genuinely always concerned for others which makes my mama heart super happy (and about 50% of the time for his sister… we’re working on that)


He was even lucky enough to stand between Batman and Captain Hook as they sang a few of their songs for the parents.


We’re so thankful for these two lovely ladies that loved on our Oscar , and taught him so much this year.

IMG_8008This week we also took Oscar in for his kindergarten evaluation and got to tour his school.  He proudly told me he counted to 109 for the teacher, drew some shapes and named letters.  As ready and excited as he is for kindergarten, I’m just not ready to not spend every single day with this goober.

IMG_7986 IMG_7992Time to soak up all the goodness this summer.





I absolutely love making some of Oscar’s old clothes work for Evelyn.  Don’t get me wrong, the girl likes her cute dresses and shoes too, but not everything has to be sparkly to be cute.


Also, these snow boots are her prized possession and deserve their own blog post.

the peanut gallery

I know two little ones that love cheering on their big brother.  It usually looks something like this:

Evelyn:  Goooo, Ocker!

Henry:  (clapping and looking at me like, “Aren’t I adorable?”)

The answer is yes.


Evelyn was apparently also practicing her senior picture poses during the game, complete with her (bribery) sucker.


And this guy… well…


baseball game #3

It was the perfect evening to spend at the ball diamond!

Warming up:IMG_7877Batting:

IMG_7906 IMG_7910 IMG_7927 IMG_7929


IMG_7921 I’ll admit I was a little nervous when they had him play “pitcher”.  I imagine it is how my mom felt anytime my sister and I had to play catcher growing up.  The helmet calmed my nerves.  IMG_7933IMG_7942 IMG_7947Walking off the field, Oscar immediately asked when his next game was.  I’d say this boy is loving baseball!



baseball game #2

With the weather not cooperating Saturday, Oscar was sad he only got to play about 20 minutes of his game… until he got his concession stand ticket for a much anticipated slushy.

Here’s hoping the forecast is correct and doesn’t change for Wednesday evening’s game!

may the 4th be with you

The force is strong with these three.

IMG_7714IMG_7694IMG_7693The force is also strong with Evelyn’s foot.  Just ask Oscar’s forehead…

IMG_7744Also strong in this one is the snot…


Happy May the force 4th!  Now go forth with your training, young jedi.  IMG_7697 IMG_7706


11 months


Likes: crawling, pulling up, dancing, clapping and all food

Dislikes: having his nose wiped

play ball!

Today, the cutest thing happened.


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Of course there was a little of this,

IMG_7803and lots of this.



We’re all looking forward to many more baseball Saturdays!