deja vu


Sometimes a little déjà vu is a good thing. When it involves a sick boy and the hospital, though, it’s not typically awesome.
Our little one’s trooper’s cold took a sudden turn for the worst which led to a trip to urgent care today. Urgent care led to chest X-rays, which led to a pneumonia diagnosis, which led to an unexpected ambulance transport and hospital admission.
He didn’t cry, let alone make a peep, during blood draws, IV pricks, or being poked and prodded by multiple nurses (as they swoon over him for his dashing good looks, and how well behaved he is) I can’t blame them, but he very well may have been playing them-all part of his master plan.
But today I’m so thankful for wonderful nurses who I can tell already love our baby so much, family that came to sit with me while Guitar Boy was leading worship at a retreat, and friends that drop everything to bring Oscar’s “buddy” and a few other things to the hospital.
Here’s to hoping we can add “speedy hospital discharge” to the list sooner than later.

wash down

These days, Oscar likes to take a bath in our bathroom.  He’s also created a new game that makes us all laugh like crazy.  Here is a video of the messy game Oscar likes to play during bath time these days.  It’s all fun and games until I tell him it is time for a “wash down” (pardon yet another Thomas reference)

extreme close up

eggcellent Easter (har har har)

Consider this the Easter wrap-up for the family that we missed seeing yesterday.  Since it was the end of my break and Greg was officially done leading worship at 5 church services, we were looking forward to a relaxing day.

There was an egg hunt.  Oscar didn’t quite know what to think about this.  I think he would’ve been content with one egg, so we probably had about 75 too many for one kid, but didn’t complain about all the yummy “chwocwat” he got to bring home.


some eats (including but certainly not limited to “mile high pineapple cream pie” with the most awesome pie crust ever…thanks, Mamaw Sandy)

and laughs

Happy Easter!


As a teacher it has been very important to me from day 1 to teach Oscar manners and respect. Today, as he decided to test the waters, he stomped his foot at me as a protest. Here’s the exchange that happened after I gave him “the look”:

O: Sorry mommy.
Me: I forgive you, but you need to obey mommy. Do you understand?
O: Yes, ma’am.

And off he happily ran. Please tell me it’ll always be that easy…

time marches on

No, I’m not going to burst into one of my least favorite country songs ever, sorry Tracy Lawrence.

Just the other day our friends welcomed another little boy to their family, and although we’ve yet to meet the little one they’ve been on our minds lots lately. Also on my mind is the fact that this time two years ago I’d lay and stare that this mug all day, and it never got old…

Now we run everywhere, blow bubbles, play trains, skin knees, wrestle, jabber, sing songs, and much much more.

While each phase of his life has brought different things to love, I’m finding that in each one I think “this age is the best.” One thing doesn’t change. He’s just as cute, and sweet, and I still love looking at that mug just as much. When he slows down long enough, that is.

“snuffins” and island time

Spring break has been very good to all of us.  I’ve kept up with my promise of being on “island time” this week, and it has been grand.  The Mr. is enjoying a much less stressed wife, the babe is enjoying some extra Mama time, and I am enjoying having lots of extra time to bake, play, wrestle, snuggle, and play.  We couldn’t have asked for better weather for spring break in Indiana.  We’ve spent the majority of each day outside so far, and loving every minute of it.  We eat breakfast on the screened-in porch, draw with chalk, blow bubbles, eat a snack outside, play with the neighbor boys outside, eat lunch outside, nap (the one thing we’ve done inside.  If only we had a hammock…), and then back outside until Papa comes home and we all can eat dinner together…outside.  Here is Oscar enjoying his new favorite “snuffin” outside. (I added a sprinkle of nutmeg to the recipe for a little something extra)

He’s clearly more relaxed this week too, with his foot up on the table.

you are beyond

This is a worship tune in production.  What you are hearing here is what we call scratch tracks – it’s just a raw acoustic and a vocal.  No fancy delays, reverbs, or pitch corrections!  It’s like the backbone of a recording that everything else can be built off of – and it’s destiny is only to be used and then erased.  Maybe you can imagine some sweet production elements that you might add?!?  I hope you enjoy!