10 months

Hard to believe this guy turned 10 months yesterday.


Taking a 10 month old’s picture is tricky, due to all the wiggles.


Likes: his mother, crawling (video coming soon), cheerios, yogurt, dancing, squawking, blowing raspberries, finding crumbs on the floor

Dislikes: being by himself


hitching a ride


Unsafe?  Maybe.IMG_7068

Cute?  Definitely.  IMG_7060

starting him young

Baby’s first smoothie: spinach, avocado, strawberries and blueberries


Death grip on straw, the occasional super cheesy smile, and tears when it was gone.  I’d say he liked it.

Evelyn has loved them from the beginning, too.  Flashback!

Now if only we could get Oscar to drink a smoothie with “leaves” in it as easily as the babies.

conversations with oscar

When he hugged me and heard my stomach growl…

Oscar:  Whoa, Mom.  You’re hungry.

Maggie:  A little bit.

Oscar:  I’ll share my lunch with you.


Randomly, about once a day…

Oscar:  Mom?

Maggie:  What?

Oscar:  You’re beautiful.

Maggie:  Thanks, buddy. That’s very sweet.

Oscar:  (sweetest smile known to man)


Walking into the store with all 3 cherubs…

Oscar:  Mom, you’ve got your hands full.

Maggie:  Where’d you hear that?

Oscar:  They say that to you when we walk into church and Daddy is already there.


After Greg left for work the other day…

Oscar:  Did you know that I love my dad bigger than the Earth?


Driving down the road…

Oscar:  Wow!  Look at that vehicle!


Random comment in the car…

Oscar:  You’re already married to Daddy, so when I grow up I’ll marry Evelyn.


After using birthday money from Mamaw and Papaw to buy a new toy…

Oscar:  I’m going to keep this Bat-bot until I’m older than the universe… and play with it for the whole day of the galaxy.


Sharing his new toy and teaching Evelyn everything it does within 5 minutes of getting home…

Oscar:  I want to teach her everything I know, because I love her.

Maggie:  That’s sweet.

Oscar:  She’s a little bit crazy sometimes, but I love her.


As I tucked him in bed tonight…

Oscar:  Today I got to see Mamaw and Papaw, and I got to buy a new toy… what a special day!


So sweet.  So thoughtful.  So big.


a day in the life of evelyn

Wake up.  Snuggle enough to melt a heart of stone.

Eat yogurt.  Drop some on the table and exclaim, “I colored!”

Kiss the baby and hug him maybe a little too tight.

Sing the cutest versions of Old McDonald, Wheels on the Bus, and Twinkle Twinkle known to man.

Find a marker in the 2 seconds I’m in the bathroom, color on both hands and exclaim, “I colored!”

Put both hands in the veggie dip I hadn’t cleared from the table yet, rub hands together saying, “Look!  Lotion!”

Climb in the tub as it fills up…with clothes on.

In the (earned) midday bath, pour the entire new bottle of shampoo on your dry hair while I turn to grab a towel.

Sing “kank youuuu Mommy” during diaper changes.

Climb up to reach white paint, and decorate hands, face, and toy box.

Shake buns.

Giggle violently during horsey rides.

Scale the pantry to reach snacks.

Hug Daddy, lay head on his shoulder, and pat his back.

I’m certain Oscar had just as many “tasmanian devil” moments at this age, but when it was one-on-one during the day, he was also probably hovered more.  At this point, when it is 3 on 1 during the day, I don’t trust silence.


The perfect balance of tough and sweet…this 2 year old definitely keeps us on our toes, but she’s the sweetest girl in the world and we love her oh so much.


vacation, part 2

Back home again, in Indiana!
It’s sad when vacation ends, especially when you’re in a setting like this with people you love.
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The agenda for the week was perfect:  relax, play, hang out.

While traveling with 3 kids can be crazy, and it wasn’t always “a day at the beach”…


…it was totally worth it…especially at moments like this…


And I’ll never, ever forget how much we all giggled running to the beach straight from the car.


From celebrating birthdays to picking up shells, we created so many great memories this week with my family.


vacation, part 1

This week has been just what the doctor ordered:


IMG_6788 IMG_6787relaxing with family,


playing on the beach,

IMG_6595 IMG_6609 IMG_6615 IMG_6651 IMG_6631 IMG_6618 IMG_6655 IMG_6717 IMG_6724 IMG_6778

digging for buried (birthday) treasure,

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and surf fishing


Even going back and forth from the house to the beach 100 times is fun when the view and weather are this nice.

IMG_6858 IMG_6865One could say that Florida has been very good to us.



mama mama mama

castle rules

These two played really well for a long time in their room yesterday.  I actually got kicked out.  When Oscar called me back I figured their “getting along time” had expired, but found them in their messy room like this:


Oscar: We’re king and queen.  She’s lower because she’s just a queen and I’m the king.

Maggie:  Buddy, sometimes a queen is the boss.

Oscar:  ….

Maggie:  Girls can be in charge too.

Oscar:  Well that’s not how this castle is.

She showed him…

9 months (and a few days)


IMG_6502 IMG_6512 IMG_6526Likes: eating, watching shows with the biggies, his toes, music, trying to crawl, puffs, dancing, chewing on everything

Dislikes: being immobile