conversations with oscar

Excited about his Optimus Prime Happy Meal toy…

Oscar:  I can’t believe I got Octopus Crime!

Maggie:  What’s his name?  Optimus Prime?

Oscar:  Yep.  Octomus Prime.


Buttering me up…

Oscar:  Mom… you’re adorable.


Telling me about his lesson at church…

Oscar:  Mom.  Paul and Silas went to jail.

Maggie:  Why?

Oscar:  Those guys didn’t like that they were telling everyone that Jesus wants to be their forever friend… but then they sang anyway and there was an earthquake…

Maggie:  Then what happened?

Oscar:  They got to be free!  Isn’t that so incredible?


Apparently, being polite is hard work…

Oscar:  Phew!  I’m so tired.

Maggie:  Do you want to lay down for a little bit?

Oscar:  No, I think I’ve just been using my manners too much.


Possibly the highlight of his baseball uniform…

Oscar:  I can’t believe I finally have a belt!


And he looks so doggone cute in his uniform, belt and all!  Looking forward to his first game this weekend!



With a couple cool and rainy days here, I’m reminiscing about the beautiful weekend.

About babies in muscle shirts,

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lots of baseball,

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pre-bedtime bike rides in pajamas,
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and even our last minute shenanigans outside.


With a freeze warning tonight, it appears all this can be mine again in… probably a month.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll just go put on my fleece and keep singing with Olaf.

big guy

Henry currently loves feeding himself,

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and pulling up on anything and everything.

IMG_2178 IMG_2336He’s pretty proud of his accomplishments.


big league

Tonight was this guy’s first baseball practice.  

So big. So handsome. So excited.  

springtime is our jam

After being cooped up for another brutal Winter, we’re so glad Spring has arrived for good.

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Our time out back so far has made me think a lot about last Spring.  Being a million weeks pregnant.  Eating all the popsicles we could on the back porch.  Waiting for Henry to get here.  IMG_7308

This year, someone is a little more independent when it comes to popsicles.  Can you tell?  IMG_7314Now we eat popsicles out back and wait for Henry to wake up and join the party!




easter events

Kids find baskets: check

IMG_7246 IMG_7236 IMG_7218Kids hunt eggs: check

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Kids spend the next few days trying to live on jelly beans and chocolate alone: check



spring is here, life is good


it’s 70 and sunny,

it’s your hubby’s late night,

and you have awesome neighbors friends (who are out of town)…

you walk across the street to play on their swing set before bed.

IMG_7087This handsome guy was so proud to show the babies the ropes.  He loved pushing Henry in the swing too (the higher the swinging the more Henry they both laughed).  But he made sure to keep Evelyn from walking in front of the moving swing.  They’re so lucky to have Oscar as big bro!

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Evelyn (dirty face and all) kept up with Oscar on the swing, slide, and general rambunctiousness.

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As for Henry…


…it’s just a shame he hates swinging so much.

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In other news: I accomplished my favorite of “tucking in kiddos that smell like fresh air” tonight.  Spring is here.  Life is good.