one for the books

It has been an interesting 30 or so hours in our house.  Oscar decided he wanted to sleep during his quiet time (there was my sign something was up), but I went in to get him at 4:30 to be sure he’d sleep well last night.  He was pretty sad that I woke him up, so I told him he could lay back in his bed until he was awake and ready to play.  He never comes out, so about 20 minutes later I go in and he’s curled in a ball on the floor saying his tummy feels funny.  I tell him he may just need to go to the bathroom or get a snack, and Evelyn on hip, I walk out to get him something to eat.  We get about 10 steps out of his room and she throws up everywhere.  Immediately she looks up at me and smiles like nothing happened, despite the fact that both of us were covered in yuck.  I set her down in an empty tub in her clothes to go clean up the mess before big brother comes out of his room and freaks at the sight.  I get her (and her mess) cleaned up, thinking that was just a fluke one time thing because she was so happy, and Oscar decides to come out of his room and join us in the living room.   Evelyn quickly decides it is time for her to be sick again, and just as she finished, Oscar must’ve felt left out and got sick too.  It was the craziest few minutes I’d ever experienced as a mom… a record that lasted for like the next 5 minutes.

Greg was at his monthly guys night, so I had texted him to tell him the kids were both getting sick.  He said he’d come home, but I thought that maybe now they were done, and that I could handle it, so I told him to stay but keep his phone nearby.  Then, almost immediately after I told Greg to stay, they decided to test their mother by getting sick in unison.  I failed that test and totally freaked out.


I’m sure our house felt like Armageddon when Greg walked in the door.  Both kids were crying and needing cleaned off, neither child had on clothes, and there was already a mountain of dirty towels and pjs needing washed.  I wouldn’t have blamed him if he ran.  Thankfully, he rolled up his sleeves and helped calm the little ones, clean up messes, and laugh with me at how incredibly insane it all was.

They continued to get sick at the exact same time or just a minute apart, every thirty minutes, for the next 5 hours.  We were running all over the place rinsing out buckets, wiping down clammy kiddos, throwing more towels in the wash, etc.  When all was said and done, my slippers suffered a fatal injury, every surface in our house had been thoroughly cleaned, and I think we did 4 loads of laundry between 9:00 and midnight just to keep up with all the towels, blankets, and pjs.

Thankfully, the germy little ones slept through the night and woke up today feeling great…for a while.  Oscar moved kind of slowly this afternoon, and just wanted to snuggle and watch movies (though he may have just seized the opportunity to watch way more tv than normally allowed).  Evelyn decided she needed a grand finale just when we thought we were in the clear.  But now, I think I can safely say that both are on the mend.  It didn’t keep us from covering our couch and recliner today, and stopping dead in our tracks anytime either of them coughed.


Final count:

Evelyn: 11

Oscar:  9

In situations like last night, you just kind of have to laugh, because it truly was insane.  An evening to go down in the books for sure, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed we never come close to topping it.

beans for the win

Oscar has stopped napping in the last couple weeks, but is having some daily quiet time instead.  He can look at books, color, play quietly, or lay down if he’s tired (yeah right!)  Up until today, quiet time has been a bit of a struggle.  He’s come out each day, multiple times, saying he’s not good at quiet time.  Until today.  The solution:  dry beans.

There is only one rule with the beans.  They have to stay on the rug.  I maybe should’ve told him not to put them in his mouth or nose, but being a nearly 4 year old boy, that would just encourage him to see if he could grow a little bean sprout in his nose.

IMG_0629 IMG_0632Why didn’t I think of this before?

20 weeks ultrasound

While we’ve known for about 2 weeks now, I’m just now getting to uploading our 20 week ultrasound pictures.  From the beginning, Oscar said it was a boy, and he was RIGHT!  (It was clear from the very first shot the tech put on the screen…this boy isn’t shy.)  Everything looked great, and we couldn’t be more excited!


Here are a couple pictures Greg snapped at 20 weeks.  (Sorry little fella, your parents have been slackers on the monthly pictures as you grow)IMG_0581 IMG_0568

I’m feeling good.  I often forget I’m pregnant, until I wonder why I’m out of breath much quicker running around the house playing hide and seek, lightsabers, or pretending to be Batman and Robin or pirates with Oscar.

Now, if you’ll excuse me… I’ve got to break it to Oscar that we will not be naming him Baby Daddy.

conversations with oscar

Randomly while playing…

Oscar:  Mommy and Daddy are kind of cute.


I think this was when he was trying to say “I don’t know”…

Oscar?  I can’t really know me.


While trying to explain why he’s scared at night (while overly tired)…

Oscar:  I can’t sleep because I’m scared.

Maggie:  Then you can look at a book, pray, or think about happy things.

Oscar:  But Mom…praying doesn’t work.



Coming out of his room, after being put down 45 minutes earlier…

Oscar:  (pointing finger)  You guys are great.

Maggie:  (turns away to hide laughter)

Greg:  (meaning business)  Buddy, go back to bed, now.

Oscar:  You’re great guys.


After I shocked him while playing in his room…

Oscar:  Ouch!  You fuzzed me!


The following is a series of questions Oscar has asked me in the car this last week.  They always start the same way…

Hey Mom?  Why is there grass?

Hey Mom?  If the sun, moon, and stars went away, wouldn’t it be dark?

Hey Mom?  If you don’t have teeth, can you talk?

Hey Mom?  If I wasn’t with you, would you know where I was?


tough cookie

Bundled and playing while waiting on Mama before running to the store…

Example 37 of why she’ll be just fine with two brothers.

conversations with oscar

As I make our daily smoothies…

Oscar: Are there leaves in there?


Oscar:  I don’t want leaves in my smoothie.


At the doctor’s office…

Oscar:  I have a baby in my belly too!  See?


Trying to be extra clever, and get extra Wii time…

Oscar:  Mommy, playing Wii is my work.

Maggie:  It is?

Oscar:  Yes, and I have lots of work to do.


Wanting to move on to play something else…

Maggie:  We need to clean this mess up before we make another one.  Go put this toy where you got it from.

Oscar:  runs away for about .5 seconds

Maggie:  Did you put it back in its home?

Oscar:  Yep!

Maggie:  gives the total “mom eye”

Oscar:  You don’t need to go check, though.


Anytime he is up to no good…

Oscar:  You don’t need to worry about meeeeee!


When he asks, about 25 times a day, where Daddy is…

Maggie:  Daddy is at work.

Oscar:  So he can bring home some bacon?


A repost of this picture…  I love it (totally posed himself), but hate how grown he looks.  This kid, he’s something else!

IMG_0481 - Version 2

10 months (and not 10 months)

IMG_0502Now that Evelyn is mobile, getting her monthly picture in Grandma Hazel’s chair has become more of a challenge.  She started off ok…

IMG_0504 IMG_0508 IMG_0506 IMG_0512then Little Greggie quickly got the wiggles,

IMG_0505 IMG_0507and had to do her new fake laugh a few times.

IMG_0513Big brother had to get in on the action too, of course.

IMG_0526 IMG_0534 IMG_0535At 10 months:

Evelyn likes saying “uh-oh”, green smoothies, fake laughing (must catch on video soon), terrorizing her brother by chewing on his toys, and feeding herself avocados, carrots, and bananas.

Evelyn dislikes when her smoothie is all gone, and keeping socks on.

At (not) 10 months:

Oscar likes being a ham, pretending (playing pirates, jail, dinosaurs, Star Wars guys), superheroes, and playing Wii.

Oscar dislikes quiet time, and when I put “leaves” in his smoothie.

evolution of crawling

We’ve come a long way, quickly, in the crawling department.

December 20

Yes, she was being encouraged with puffs.  

December 28

January 9

Currently, we have nightly (giggly) entertainment courtesy of the tortoise and the hare, and they are practically wearing a path in the floor from chasing each other.  Who needs TV?

snowed in (still)

The following is a mix of phone and camera pictures documenting the slow deterioration of our sanity, being snowed in for 4 days.

We thankfully got out a little bit Sunday as the crazy snowfall started and pre-arctic blast.  ImageImageImage


We’ve since spent the last few days thankful for the new toys from Christmas,



playing with pre-loved treasures from friends,



wiping noses,


watching movies,


developing new tricks,

ImageAlso, let’s ignore the fact that he looks like a 7 year old in this picture, please.  

and going a little crazy.

They may have even spent some time in jail (Oscar’s idea, not mine, scout’s honor)

ImageEven the baby is getting stir crazy.


Hang tight little ones.  We WILL get out tomorrow for Little Mama’s 9 month checkup…and then we may have to find a totally unnecessary errand or two to run.

this last week

Lots has happened this last week, so hang tight folks.

Sunday we celebrated Christmas with my family.  Oscar and Evelyn were doted on once again, and we had a nice, relaxing day together.  Unfortunately, due to lighting and wiggly kiddos I did not get any good (non-blurry) pictures of them opening presents, but they loved it and we all had a great day.

I do love that my mom still puts up decorations my sister and I made as kids.

photo 1-1

Between Christmas and New Year’s, we enjoyed a few days at home as a family.

We’ve had some lazy days,

photo 4spent some time “oscar-cising” (Iron Man asked if he could join me, put the headband on himself, and stayed with me most of the workout, until he accidentally kicked a weight)

photo 3-1




and everyone (kiddos included) has enjoyed a smoothie a day, courtesy of a present from Nana and Pops.  Don’t tell Oscar, but there’s definitely spinach in them.  He was skeptical, so I just put his in a dark cup so he can’t see what color it is, and now he loves “smoodies”.  Evelyn, well she doesn’t care as long as you don’t take it away.

She has since been upgraded to having her own.  This morning she downed hers and then crawled over to her brother’s and began downing it too, causing the meltdown of the year…so far.


New Year’s Eve was nice.  Our neighbor friends invited us over for appetizer night.  We went over there and enjoyed some time with them while the kiddos all played, and walked home around 8:00.  Here is a picture I snapped before our long commute across the street.

photo 5We got about 5 inches of snow on Thursday.  With the snow-pocalypse and super cold temps coming today through Tuesday, we decided to head out with a buddy on Friday to enjoy it while we can.  We may try to get out in it today before the arctic blast moves through.

photo 1 photo 2


Evelyn has had a rough few days due to teeth, or just having the crud, it is hard to tell.  She’s had enough snot for me to try to come up with ways to convert it to energy, and harness it for good.  There’s surely been enough to somehow power our furnace the next few days.  Despite congestion and a couple days of rough sleep, she has been mostly happy.  Mostly.

photo 3She did tell me that she is happy to finally have enough hair to put in a clip, so she’s at least staying positive.

We had planned a trip to Great Wolf Lodge with my family for yesterday to today, for my Dad’s 60th birthday.  Due to the unpredictable weather, and the fact that we’d be driving back from Cincinnati during the worst part of the storm today, we all decided it was best for us to plan that trip for another time.  We did still get our swim on yesterday, though, thanks to a nearby indoor aquatic center.  It was so nice  to be inside, in 86 degree water, and look out and see the snow.  Oscar loved the lazy river, kid area, but was thoroughly annoyed that he wasn’t big enough for the big slide.  Maybe in a year…or three, little peanut.  Evelyn loved playing on the sloped entry to the kid area, Oscar would’ve stayed all day, and I’m already putting in my vote for another trip late February or early March when we are all itching for spring.


Well we’ve been to the store, done all the errands we need to do for the next couple days, and now we are ready to hibernate.