rootin tootin (literally) cowboys

When you have a 4 year old brother, you pick playing cowboys with him over anything else, every time.


8 months


Likes: being held, everything the biggies do, scooting backwards on his head, his toes

Dislikes: peas and green beans (unless pears are snuck in), being put down


so tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for nap time

When you wake at 5:00, you need a pre-lunch nap in your brother’s swing.

I could tell she was getting tired, but was trying to keep her up until her normal nap time.  As I was making lunch, she hit the wall.  She climbed in and turned everything on.  Evelyn is a girl who knows her limits.  This is the same child that shouts “Yay!” when I ask if she’s ready for bed.

Looks like someone has inherited her mother’s need for lots of sleep.

IMG_5945Upon waking, we had a long talk about why waking at 5 is a horrible idea… for everyone.

roly poly


So happy to be on the play mat.
IMG_5998 IMG_6001 IMG_6012But he only stays here a couple seconds.

Is he crawling?  Not exactly…



conversations with oscar

Getting ready for bed…

Oscar:  Time to catch some Zs.


When I splurged and bought YoCrunch yogurt as a treat…

Oscar:  Mom!  I really pre-sure-ate you for buying me these!



Oscar:  Daddy, you’re the best daddy I’ve ever had.


As Evelyn ate the asparagus off my plate…

Maggie:  You really should try this asparagus, buddy.

Oscar:  Maybe when I’m as big as you I’ll like it.

Greg:  Your sister likes it and she’s smaller than you.

Oscar:  Well, she likes everything.

Greg:  That’s fair.


About 100 times day (in a very Fred Flintstone way)…

Oscar:  Evelyn!


Every night, after tucking the biggies in…

Oscar:  Wait, don’t leave yet.  I have to get sis-to-ated.  Sit-you-ated. (Wiggles around.  Clears throat.)  Ok, you can go.


After realizing we forgot to get the Legos out of his room before Evelyn’s nap…

Maggie:  The Duplos are in the living room, you can play with those.

Oscar:  I liked those when I was a kid.  I can just pretend to be a kid again.

Maggie:  Ok.


Growing up so fast.  Love him so.


Note mustache man, walking the plank.  


We love this little guy.  Also, his new “trick” is the cutest, don’t you think?

we are ready for some football


Go Horse!



kitchen dance party

We love a good kitchen dance party in this house.  Seriously.  We’re in the kitchen lots and we all love music, so we dance in the kitchen, and often.  Also, 5:00 is a tricky time each day; therefore, it has its own playlist.  It works like a charm too.  For all of us.

Screen Shot 2015-01-14 at 5.08.19 PM

We need more songs, so send suggestions my way!

Oscar knows how to use Spotify and will type in random things from time to time, like Batman (surprise surprise).  This pulls up all Batman movie soundtracks, which is mostly a bunch of Prince songs, but whatever.  They like to bust a move, and I can feed the baby and start dinner with no a little less chaos.

Oscar usually only dances until he notices me watching him.  Then he either looks at the floor and smiles or turns the dance party into a wrestling match.

Not Evelyn.  That girl dances like nobody is watching, though she really wants you to.  Out of all of her moves, this one is still my favorite:


houston, we have a problem

And by a “problem” I mean a snuggler one spoiled baby.

Saturday morning snuggles:

IMG_1057_2Saturday morning nap:

IMG_1058_2Saturday afternoon nap:

IMG_1059_2He made it known each time I tried laying him down that he’d rather rock with me.   They say you can’t spoil a baby, I think they might be wrong but I don’t care.  You try saying no to those big blue eyes.




baby it’s cold outside

Because bundling up 3 small children (who do not leave on hats or mitts) is not my favorite pastime, and it has been brutally cold, we’ve stayed in for a couple days.  This week, we’ve been especially thankful for:

1. window markers from Santa FullSizeRender 3 FullSizeRender 42. Lincoln Logs and little engineers FullSizeRender 3. renewed love for Toy Story FullSizeRender 2 4. extra time to stay in pajamas and snuggle IMG_0971 IMG_0991 While we’ve had some fun staying in, I occasionally become concerned about what we’re going to do come February and cabin fever sets in for all of us.  Why?  Well, it is early January and we’re already a little cooky…