fresh air fun

With the exception of naps, we spent nearly all day outside and enjoyed every minute of it.

We played rocket.



We played baseball.


We rode bikes.

I spy a skinned knee and a few bruises on a little shin, a sure sign of spring.  


Daddy came home and had some work to do in the garage, with the help of Evelyn.

Don’t worry Nana and Mamaw, he wasn’t really drilling while wearing the baby, just cleaning up the garage.  


He’s cute.


We all had fun, and are all going to sleep so well tonight (if Evelyn allows it).

sibling snuggles and smiles

This morning, Oscar wanted to snuggle his sister in our bed.


She’s already fascinated with him.  Image


Earlier in the morning I got a tiny smile from Evelyn, but I of course didn’t get a picture of it… so I worked really hard and…

ImageImageImageImageImageFinally, be prepared to be amazed…

IMG_4441 IMG_7817Think they’re related?



Oscar has had much love for bubbles from the beginning…

IMG_1821 IMG_0997 IMG_0939…so I couldn’t resist picking up this year’s bubble toy yesterday, the bubble gun…

photo 4 photo 3 photo 2 photo 1I think I need to buy stock in bubbles.


splendid spring sunday

Last night was a picture perfect spring evening.  Greg grilled an awesome dinner and we spent lots of time outside.

I traced Oscar and he drew his face on (and was quite proud of himself)ImageImage

He also drew a potato (later changed his mind that it was in fact a tomato) and the number one, and ordered that I draw every zoo animal, Lightning McQueen, Mater, and a kite.

I drew a hopscotch for the first time in like 20 years and showed O how to play.

Evelyn also spent some time looking particularly adorable.


You know it is a good day when everyone comes in smelling like fresh air and needing a bath.


A picture of the pictures our little photographer took at a Mexican restaurant tonight:

He also asked to take a picture of the fountain while we waited but then decided he’d rather just throw a few coins in instead.

rainy day craft

With rain in the forecast yesterday through Thursday, I decided yesterday was a good day to go get a few little craft projects to have on hand to do with Little Foot. He loved walking around the craft store, picking out the activities to do together. It was too cute!

Someone decided to skip their nap, so after I pouted for a minute or two I embraced “no nap Tuesday” and got in some extra Oscar time (that I have been missing lately). Yesterday’s craft of choice: painting sun catchers on a rainy day. That totally makes sense, right?

Oscar went from “I can’t do it!” to “I’m good at this game, Mommy!” in no time. He really got into it and was so proud of himself.

admiring his workImage

I bought 6 sun catchers (thinking they’d last us 6 rainy days), and a couple other inexpensive projects to do. Someone got on a roll and painted 3 of them. At 59 cents each, and with the fun we both had, these little babies were more than worth it.

Seeing how much he enjoyed this, I’m excited to pick up other fun projects for us to do together soon.

I’m loving the print below. I’m thinking it needs to go above the art table in his room. Who says crafts are just for girls? 🙂


1 month

I can’t believe our little Evelyn turned one month on Sunday! It is like she just got here and that she’s been here all along, at the same time.

After some struggles to get her to gain weight, I’m happy to report that Little Mama is 9 lbs 10 oz (61%) and 21 in long (52%)!

ImageThanks, Pinterest, for the above idea…



There are certain times of day when the lighting is perfect in our house for snapping good pictures of the kids (late evening in our bedroom being one of them, if everybody holds still enough). Here are two I snapped after baths last night, around 8:00, using up the last bit of good daylight.

ImageImageAll of his smiles look so pained lately. I promise, he’s a happy kid.


Here are a few pictures from some play time this morning.  Evelyn loved some play mat time. Oscar loved watching her, bringing her toys, and sticking her pacifier back in her mouth when it fell and she squawked.


ImageSomeone was wore out from all the fun…


bright eyed

Image…and that hair…