soccer week 7

Oscar didn’t play last week, due to (still) being sick, but he was ready to go today.

Thinking his game was at 11, I made donuts and we were having a lazy morning.  Then I realized his game was at 10.  Oops.  Evelyn ate her donut on the fly (and had many bee suitors),



and then she came down from her sugar high right at nap time.


Henry slept all covered in the stroller, blew bubbles, and I’m pretty sure he was dreaming of donuts.


And Oscar?  Well, he got down to business.



I’m sad that next week is his last game.  I’m already thinking about what we can do this winter to have fun, get some exercise, learn something new, and make new friends.  Karate?  Lots of trips here?  I’m open to suggestions.

teething = not awesome

It appears Henry is taking Oscar’s approach to teething: get ’em early.

There’s just a bump and a speck on his bottom gums.  It has been there for a while, but just seems to have started bothering him the last couple days.  Today he’d be on the play mat or sleeping, and just go o to 60 in no time.  A definite pain cry.  It breaks my heart.


Two kids under 2.

Evelyn was a later teether, and still has plenty to go.

That’s it.  I’m buying stock in Orajel.


silly smurf snuggles

These two couldn’t get enough of each other this morning, watching Smurfs all snuggled together.


Things got silly, quickly, as they usually do.

Then things got sweet again, but only for a second.

IMG_4044This roller coaster of emotions is the norm, but there’s also usually some kicking thrown in there too.


conversations with evelyn

I love that she’s talking enough now to have a post like this for her!IMG_4042

Maggie:  Do you want some milk?

Evelyn:  Cookie?

Maggie:  How about some cheese?

Evelyn:  Cookie?



Evelyn:  two, two, two, two, five…yay!


Maggie:  Are you poopy?

Evelyn:  Ew-ee!


Pointing to the hole in my jeans…

Evelyn:  Oh!  Uh-oh!


As she picks up each foam letter in the tub…

Evelyn:  e, e, e, e, …


Poking at Henry during diaper changes…

Evelyn:  eye, bee-bo (belly button), eye, eye…


Asking to go outside multiple times a day...

Evelyn:  Side?  Side?  Shoes?


Following me through the house…
Mommy…are you?

Evvie, Peanut, Evvie Kate, Sister Sue, Evers, Little Mama…whatever you want to call her, she’s a hoot and I love seeing her personality come out more and more each day.


i get no love


While Evelyn reacts this way even if Greg just leaves the room and comes back, I get a fraction of this if I leave and come home.  It’s ok though.  I understand.  It is my favorite time of day too.

do you believe in magic?

Today, something magical happened.

All 3 kiddos were asleep at the same time, for like 10 minutes.  That hasn’t happened since…ever.

I put Evelyn down and needed to feed Henry.  Oscar usually has some quiet time looking at books or quietly playing Legos for a bit, but today requested to snuggle.  He didn’t have to tell me twice.  Two minutes later…



Excuse the creepy “open eye sleeper”

Evelyn must’ve known she was missing out and woke up soon after.

Emphatically telling Henry about Oscar kicking her in the face at the doctor.  

Littles removed and the sick nugget is still snoozing.  We’ll probably pay for it around 8:00 tonight, oh well.


go horse

We are ready for some football!IMG_4015

And maybe naps.  Do you want to take a nap?


Hooray for Sunday afternoons!IMG_4017

apple orchard day

It was a beautiful day at the orchard yesterday!

Oscar was initially very concerned about the bees.  Thanks to a veteran teacher’s tip on a field trip once, we each tucked a dryer sheet in our shirt, and they left us alone (even though they were everywhere, and Oscar’s sheet kept “falling out”)

IMG_3976Evelyn was concerned with eating every bit of this apple.

IMG_3978 Oscar took some pictures,IMG_3980I took some pictures,
IMG_3981and we brought home lots of apples to make some goodies this weekend (plus these three extra sweet ones).
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hand-me-downs for the win

I love making some of Oscar’s old clothes working for Miss Evelyn.

Round 1:


Round 2:

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Hooray for an outfit that, pants and all, was originally big brother’s!

Also, hooray for a comfy day at home!


when in rome

…or when Pops heats the pool up to 87 on a cool September day.

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If today was the last swim of the year, he went out with a good one.