summer on the brain

With just 2 days of school left I’m looking forward to another fun summer! In just 3 trips to Nana and Pops’ pool so far this year, it is obvious that Oscar is loving swimming even more. Add going off the diving board multiple times already, and I imagine lots of pool time in our future…and lots of after swim poolside snuggles like this one he shared with Pops.


whipper snappers

Because it is practically summer. Because I spend a lot of time with 8 year olds Monday-Friday and their ways have rubbed off on me. Because I am surrounded by boys at home. Because I am a total kid at heart. Because I love love love to make the little one laugh like crazy. All of the above are reasons I bought some “whipper snappers” at the store last night.

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Best $2 ever spent.


Playing in the front yard last night. Oscar runs in the garage to show a flower (weed) we pulled to Greg, who had gone inside.

Me: Uh-oh where’s daddy?
O: He’s hiding.
Me: Where do you think he’s hiding?
O: In the bathroom!

like daddy

Oscar does many things like his daddy. Add “leg crossing” to the list. Cute.

bounced back


Someone is feeling much better, if you couldn’t tell. Thanks for the visits in the hospital and calling/texting to check on our little man this last week. We have the greatest friends and family!
We have a follow-up appointment Monday to check his lungs. But if that big smile is any indication of how he feels, I think we’re good.


Here is a country tune for May.  It is a song born from life’s tensions, which seems fitting right now.  So – for those who bust their butts and sometimes wish they could just take a break from responsibility every now and then – I give you “Away”.