happy days

As hot as it has been we’ve spent the last few nights at the pool.  It’s been fun going for post-nap/pre-dinner swims and soaking up those last nights at the neighborhood pool before it closes in just a few days.  It does, though, make for a bit of a hurried pace when we get home of dinner, baths, play a bit, bedtime routine, and then bed.  Tonight, though, we stayed home.  And it was good.

I tried getting a few good shots of Little Mama…

ImageThen her brother came into view…

Imageand I lost her…

ImageTo say she adores him is a huge understatement.  It is mutual too.  Don’t believe me?  

Back to tonight.  Daddy made us dinner, which was great.  During that time, Evelyn hung out in the kitchen with him, and O and I got to do something we haven’t done in a long time.  We built a dandy of a train track.  




Pardon his outfit.  It is a combination of school uniform meets comfy shorts for his nap.

Hunting for the perfect piece…



They may have gotten a little less attention over the summer with all of our outside playing, but I love that he still loves his trains.  ImageWith a handful of busy evenings since school started, tonight was a perfect evening.  Everyone home.  Everyone playing.  






a way with words

Besides being my favorite NPR radio show, the title of this post truly sums up Oscar. Enjoy a few “Oscar-isms” of late…

“Mom, I have an eyeflash in my eye.”

Getting in the car after preschool: “Let’s roll!”

“I want to play with joshandben.”

“Should I have a piece of chwocwit?”

As I put my hair into a ponytail: “Mommy, I don’t wike ponyhairs.”

Pointing the laser on his Buzz Lightyear’s pjs at me: “I’m going to get you with my flaser.”

“I want to take a play bath, not get a wash down.”

“You stinky, Daddy.”

To his Sunday school teacher on the way to the restroom: “My parents spank me.”

“Do you want to play highsabers with me?”

When his pants get twisted crooked or he gets a wedgie: “Ah, my unders are all catawampus!”

“Let’s go on an ad-benture.

“You sweet, Mommy.”

Driving by the courthouse, on our way to Mamaw and Papaw’s: “Wook at that big, big castle!”

To his teachers, friends, the lifeguard at the pool, the lady behind us in the grocery store checkout line, and anyone else who smiles or tells him hi: “Maybe you can come to my house?”

He is sweet, the best big brother, beyond friendly, and a downright hoot. We are so so thankful for O. Bob and the joy he brings to our family daily. You just never know what he’s going to say!


one on one time

On Saturday, Greg and Oscar enjoyed some nice father/son time.  A golf course nearby does a “family night” once a month during the summer where kids are $10 and parents are free.  We took O to a par 3 golf course a few weeks ago, but this was the first time he was able to ride in a golf cart.  Plus, my boys went with some friends, so Oscar also got extra time with his two favorite buddies too.  

I think Oscar’s expression says it all…


ImageWhile the boys were away, I enjoyed some extra time with this little mama…

ImageNext time, we trade kiddos.  I don’t know what I’ll go do with Oscar… but something tells me Greg will be Googling how to strap a car seat into a golf cart between now and then.  



breakfast outside, cloud watching, and sibling love

The weather this last week was the best.  Low to mid 70s most of the week called for lots of outside time, windows open, and I loved it.  The cool down may have something to do with Oscar having some allergy issues too, but that hasn’t slowed him down as he has said daily, “It is a beautiful day!”  

Thursday night was the best, in my opinion.  We ate breakfast for dinner outside, played baseball and soccer with Oscar, snuggled and looked up at the clouds, and had the best time.  

ImageImageImageImageImageImageI also spent some time just in awe of these two.  I know they’re young and will have their moments, but right now, this is perfect.  She absolutely adores him and he is so protective and sweet to her (plus he can get smiles and giggles from her that nobody else can, which makes him feel pretty proud)

ImageImageOne thankful mama, over and out.  



master chef in the making

Oscar loves to help.  With anything, really.  He really likes to help cook though.  This makes both of us quite happy as I have always loved cooking, and Greg has become quite the cook himself.  It is a skill we want both of our kiddos to be comfortable doing and enjoy. 

I planned for yesterday to be a bit of a baking day.  The weather was begging for open windows and lots of baking during nap time.  I knew I wanted to make some gluten free cookies for a coworker’s birthday (don’t worry, this girl will always love her gluten, but the coworker can’t have it).  We had to stop at the store for a few things after preschool.  When I put chocolate chips in the cart, Oscar said, “Mom, when we get home, can we eat these?  I don’t want to put them in anything though.”  When we got home and I put our groceries away, the muffin wrappers fell out of the cabinet.  Oscar asks, ” You gonna make me ’nuffins’ Mommy?”  How can you say no to that?  I’ll tell you, you can’t.  Plus, after making such healthy cookies, I was really wanting something tasty and not necessarily healthy.  

This boy has always loved muffins, insert flashback.  I like that I can make them somewhat healthy sometimes and he has no idea, especially if I make mini muffins.  I think it is because they’re too cute to be healthy.  He absolutely loved making (and eating) these, thanks to some zucchini from a friend’s garden.   

ImageImageImageI even saved the boy a few chocolate chips in the bottom of the bag.

ImageSomeone was feeling a little left out.  Or she wanted some chocolate chips too.  Hard to tell.  

ImageHang tight, Little Mama.  You’ll enjoy baked good soon enough.  Let’s just stick with rice cereal for now.  

And who knows.  Maybe one of them will be on Junior MasterChef someday.  Yes, its really a show.  Yes, I love Gordon Ramsay.  Yes, I plan to watch it.  

5 months


I’ll spare you the picture of her spitting up all over herself my last chair pic… however, I bet in the last one you can guess where it landed.  She doesn’t mess around.  Go big, or stay home.

She also yanked that sticker off and attempted to eat it before I could pry it from her slobbery fingers.  Maybe she’s ready for veggies.


Evelyn likes:  the jumper, grabbing my hair and holding on for dear life, when Daddy sings to her, watching her brother do anything, being talked to, evening walks, being scared, when you make a big fuss over her stinky toes (the more dramatic the better), and chewing on her hands

Evelyn dislikes:  when you take the bottle away halfway through to burp her, when you take the bottle away because it is empty, when she has to wait more than 2 seconds for another bite of cereal…Again, maybe she’s ready for veggies.

many hats

Greg wears many hats:  handyman, grill master, and now barber.

ImageImageImageOscar didn’t want to have his hair cut at home until Daddy came home with clippers…and a bag of Dum-Dums.   Actually, he came home with a bag of 300, so we have enough for the next 3 years.

We have cut O’s hair before (and promised we wouldn’t pay for a haircut for him again, but were all talk).  I think with the lettuce we’ll save doing it ourselves, Mama can get a pedicure a little more often.  That sounds fair, right?  It was hard work taking those 3 pictures and handing the handsome boy a sucker!

first day of preschool

How’d this happen?

ImageOscar wanted to start his first day of preschool with waffles, so waffles he had.

ImageWe then attempted our little photo shoot on the front step.

ImageImageImageAs the kiddos arrived, I was at the door stamping their hands.  They came in and had free choice for a bit.  Oscar kept coming up to me and saying, “Mommy, come play with me” (which started to make me nervous how this was going to work being in the same room) but he warmed up to everyone, made a few buddies, and came to enjoy free choice time without me.    

He did really well during circle time.  He stayed on his circle, and listened to the story, only shushing his neighbor a few times.  I am not leading circle time this week, so during this time I was setting up snacks.  I’d occasionally hear a little voice whisper “Where’s my mommy?”  He’d just turn around, see me, and then turned his attention back to circle time.  

From there we had snack.  During this time, Oscar is in the same room as me, but with another teacher, and he was fine with that.  Next, we all headed out to the playground for a bit, where he checked in with me a few times, then back in for groups.  Today kiddos had free choice for a bit and we just pulled them over to do a couple first day crafts.  From now on they’ll rotate with their group and do 3 center activities.

While I was maybe a little nervous that he’d want to stay with me the whole time at the beginning, he figured it out and did really well independently and with different kiddos and teachers.

It was a great first day for him, but I’m still wondering how I have a preschooler!




’round here

’round here:

we have “high saber” fights

we sing in the car

there is never a dull moment

…and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Can’t believe this little fella, who has brought us so much joy, starts preschool today.  Maybe that’s why this mama slept so horribly last night and decided to just get a jumpstart on the day with an early morning post.   

last days of summer

I’m sorry that I’ve not kept up my end of the deal by keeping this baby updated these last few days of summer. Things have just been so busy!  Here’s the recap of the last week or so…

Last Wednesday we celebrated “Me Day” with Oscar.  It was a day all about him.  With Evelyn spending the day with Nana we were really able to focus on him and do whatever he wanted to do.  We started by playing golf at a par 3 course in the city.  Oscar did great.  Being a par 3 course, there are no carts, but the holes are short.  I was quite impressed.  He mentioned being tired after hole 4 but pushed through and finished 6 before being done.  I think he really enjoyed himself!  I don’t know what was more adorable: Oscar playing golf, or the joy that Greg obviously got from playing golf with his son!

Sorry for all phone pictures, a friend had our camera last week.  She’s back home with us now, so better pictures to come.  


After golf, we took Oscar to his first movie.  We saw Turbo, and I’m not sure who liked it the most!  Oscar sat still most of the movie, only getting up once to watch the end of the movie sitting on the stairs. and eating the sucker Mommy brought in case of an emergency.  He leaned over once and asked, “Mommy, is this a house?”  He was in awe.


Neither of us can go to the movies without getting popcorn, so naturally Oscar loved the popcorn too.  We even had to take the extras home to keep snacking on.  Image

The rest of our time these days has been spent playing and cuddling as much as we possibly can.


photo 4-1Oscar and Evelyn got to go to the staff daycare for the first time Monday and Tuesday mornings this week, as I had two teacher work days.  These ladies are incredible, plus the kiddos are just down the hall from me!  Oscar loves it, and they all love snuggling Evelyn.  I start my new job officially on Monday, and am very excited!  I’ll be teaching Pre-K Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings  (both kiddos will go to the church/school staff daycare) and Preschool (which Oscar will attend) Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  Being a private school Oscar has to wear solid color polos, etc. on the days he has preschool.  He looks so doggone handsome in his school clothes, I’ll be sure to snap a picture Tuesday morning!

I am so thankful for this job, the schedule, and the ladies I’ll be working with.  This season of life goes way too fast, and I couldn’t have found a place more supportive of our family, and the stage of life we’re in with two little ones.  Everyone I work with is a mom with children a little older than mine, so they’re very understanding and encouraging.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told (even from my boss) that my family comes first, and to not take work home.  Coming from the amount of work I had been doing at home and the stress I felt in previous years, this is a huge blessing to our family!  I sometimes have to pinch myself when I think about this opportunity because I still get to work with children and teach, it is only half days, and I can have more time at home and just be Mommy when I walk in the door.  It truly is the best of both worlds!