happy 2nd birthday, henry!

We celebrated our baby big boy over the weekend.  Can’t believe this fella is 2!


When your birthday falls on a holiday weekend, your celebration means family, cooking out, and playing in the water.
IMG_9406IMG_7770And on his actual birthday yesterday, we had a nice day just the 5 of us.  More water sliding, neighborhood pooling, and of course started the day with birthday donuts.

IMG_7704IMG_7723It may have been his birthday, but I think I got the best present.


kindergarten graduate

And just like that, we have a 1st grader.

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The last week of school had a few exciting activities for our big guy.

Field Day: Oscar was very excited about the chance to earn ribbons.  Maybe more than the games himself, which surprised us because he’s not super competitive most of the time.  He got two 1st place ribbons (race and frisbee throwing) and another for a relay race.  I think he’s nearly slept with the ribbons since Field Day.



Then Monday, he had the KIndy 500, which was maybe the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

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Our speedy guy gor 1st in the first two heats, and in the final race placed 3rd.  I think he was a little sad he didn’t bring it all home, but he had fun and was a good sport.


All this fast running and challenging me to a race for all my cross country ribbons, I’m beginning to wonder if we have a runner on our hands.  Now, if only I could get him to be fast when getting ready for church.

bring on summer

After today, Oscar just has 8 days of Kindergarten left.  To say that we’re all excited to have him home every day and for our summer schedule (or lack there of) would be an understatement.

Looking forward to more “outside all day” days.

IMG_7276IMG_9258 IMG_7296More park days.

IMG_7330 IMG_7327 IMG_7325IMG_7357“Play until you drop” days


A slower pace.

IMG_7239 IMG_7240Come on, summer.  We neeeeeed you!

last week’s highlights

It has been a full and fun week here.

Oscar had 2 baseball games this week, where he played catcher and center field.

IMG_9238 IMG_9240 IMG_9252 IMG_9256IMG_7099IMG_7098We spent any time we could outside, between rainstorms. IMG_7180IMG_7118IMG_7124IMG_7128-1IMG_7145IMG_7151-1IMG_7152

Everyone is excited that the shaved ice truck a half mile away is open again!

We celebrated Mother’s Day at home today with a family nap, BBQ chicken, and time outside (even put the kids to work some).

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He might’ve made me older than I am, but I still loved reading what he wrote. Also, he told me the last one is “cuddle with me” though I do love coloring with him too! 

We even managed to have some down time.

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Everyone loves a good back scratch from GG.

As the school year winds down, the calendar has been a bit full, but we’re having fun!  We’re loving the longer days, dinners outside, later bedtimes, and are all looking forward to summer!