1st day of kindergarten

I’m not quite sure what kind of time travel we did to get here, but today was Oscar’s first day of kindergarten.  Don’t let this face fool you…

2015-07-29 20.53.29-1

he was so excited!2015-07-29 20.53.39The commute.  Completely forgot his helmet (sorry, Mom), but it’s ready to go for tomorrow.
11013535_10154057007778102_7145391601760270630_nBiking home this afternoon…

Maggie:  What was the best part of the day?

Oscar:  All of it!

conversations with oscar

In a conversation about behavior, good choices, and how everyone has a job to do…

Maggie:  Daddy works at the church, Mommy stays home with you three, and you have a job too.

Oscar:  But I’m just a kid!

Maggie:  Your job is to play, obey your mom and dad, and be kind to everyone.

Oscar:  (after a long pause) Mommy?

Maggie:  What?

Oscar:  Am I fired?


After jumping in the pool multiple times, then doing this without any announcement…

Greg:  Buddy, where did you see that?

Oscar:  I just made it up.

After I cut his hair (and he had little clippings all over him)…

Oscar:  Now I look like Daddy and Pops.

Maggie:  What do you mean?

Oscar:  Because I have hair all over me.


I cannot believe this guy starts kindergarten tomorrow!  I’m sure he’ll just come home with even more funny things to say!

this girl…

…she’s a hoot,
IMG_0741 PicTapGo-Imageand she loves to sing.

That about sums her up.

holiday world

Yesterday we took Oscar out for a special day.

The babies went to Nana and Pops’ house (thanks again, guys) and we headed to Holiday World.


He enjoyed riding a couple “little kid” rides…

IMG_0878 IMG_0875but this fearless boy quickly moved to bigger and better rides.



He was too short to ride the real big rollercoasters, but I’m sure he would’ve if he could’ve.

The waterslides were everyone’s favorite.  Oscar surprised us so much with how brave he was.  He was the littlest stinker on each slide (and there are some pretty big ones), and then went running back in line for more…but I’m not sure who had the most fun.



When we first got there, he was eyeing a Minion game, but didn’t get upset when I told him we probably weren’t going to play any games.  As we walked by the game on our way out, I whispered to Greg that he should win Oscar a minion.  He made one little boy even happier.  Oscar then said he wanted to try and win one for Evelyn.  The kid running the game said he could try for free and then Greg could help him, but Oscar didn’t need any help.  He knocked the cans off the pedestal and won one for his sister too.  So sweet.

All day he kept saying how much he loved Holiday World. I don’t think he stopped smiling all day.

I’m so glad we took him, and that we stayed until they shut it down for the night.


“I’m having one lucky day!” -Oscar

IMG_0884We’ll be going back next summer for sure!



(Prepare yourself for phone picture overload)


We’ve picked strawberries and blueberries.

IMG_0554 IMG_0188 IMG_0193

We’ve enjoyed baseball season.

IMG_0346 IMG_0216 IMG_0210We’ve spent lots of time outside.

IMG_0439 IMG_0029 FullSizeRender 2 IMG_0101We’ve simply been enjoying life with these 3 crazies!

IMG_0419 IMG_0453 IMG_0492 IMG_0522 IMG_0542 IMG_0578 IMG_0372 IMG_0332 IMG_0329 IMG_0321 IMG_0310 IMG_0051I promise to do a better job the remaining 4 weeks of summer.