christmas jammies

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Sweetness overload:IMG_0019A little tighter…



Should I be concerned?

IMG_0023Maybe…but only after I get a picture!

8 (and a half) months

Poor baby #3 will be lucky to get monthly pictures.


Likes:  puffs, laughing at Oscar, throwing her sippy cup, and more puffs

Dislikes: when she runs out of puffs


catching up

Lots has happened over the last few weeks.

We celebrated family birthdays.


Greg had a minor mishap involving basement stairs and a water heater last Wednesday night.  2 stitches and 3 staples later, we are thankful it wasn’t worse.  He was very sore for a few days, but got the stitches out yesterday and is doing better each day.


Oscar celebrated Thanksgiving at preschool.  We spent the holiday with my family this year.  Sorry, no pictures of that, we were too busy eating and relaxing (and taking care of injured Greg)!


Evelyn is giving kisses to anyone and anything that is still long enough.  We all happily volunteer many times a day.


We decorated our house for Christmas.  I’ll try to snap a picture of it soon, but Oscar tells me that it is very handsome!  Due to an injured Papa, we opted for a pre-cut tree this year, and lit garland and a wreath instead of our usual lights.  Oscar keeps reminding Evelyn to not touch the tree, and he’s loving having his own little tree in his room.


ImageI hope to snap some more pictures of the kiddos in their new Christmas jammies, so I’ll get those up as soon as I get them.  As we all gear up for a busy time of year, get ready for picture overload, folks!

conversations with oscar

Regarding the fact that his sister has two teeth:
“Mom, Evelyn has Mater teeth.”

“Are you see-russ? I’m see-russ.”

Maggie: You’re such a big boy.
Oscar: Yeah.
Maggie: I’m so proud of you.
Oscar: Poooooooooopy (ornery smile)

“The Bible is God’s holy Word!”

When he woke from his nap to find I’d finished decorating the house for Christmas:
“Mom, you did this? Are you see-russ? I wike it.”

“I’m fankful for you!”

Oscar bolted into Evelyn’s room after his bath tonight (where she was playing on the floor). As I waited in the living room with his pjs, I heard what sounded like mischief:
Maggie: Oscar, what are you doing?
Oscar: Being rough with Evelyn.
Maggie: Well stop and come put on your pjs.
Oscar: Evelyn, catch!
Evelyn: (crazy baby belly laughs)

When we told him there was a baby in Mommy’s tummy:
“Are you see-russ? Whoa!”

“I wook just wike Daddy!”

Stay tuned. Tomorrow I hope to update you all on Greg’s big ouchie and other happenings from the weekend.